Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Family in Pictures

The other day, at Gram's going away party, I took advantage of everyone being dressed up and snapped a few photos of those that were able to be there.
Here is a pic of the Klimie Kids with Gram last summer...
Mike, Bob, Bonnie, and Clint
(not pictured: Courtney)
Con and Al
First Row: Pat and Denny
Second Row: Shana, Sheri, Sheila, Shane
Paul, Morgan, Sheri, Allie, Jeremy, and Kara
(not pictured: Jordan)
Tim, Sheila, Wes, Ty, Heather, Matthew, and Emily
(not pictured: Zac)
Jacob, Gail, Michael, and Amber
Missy, Nathan, Joe, and Karly
Cory, Brett, Olivia, and Corrine
Al and Con and the Grandkids,
Brett and Olivia
(not pictured: Karly and Nathan)
Cory, Al, Brett, Olivia, Con, and Corrinne
(not pictured: Joe, Missy, Karly and Nathan)
Jeremy and Allie
Shane, Mike, Clint, Sheila, Cory, Shana, and Sheri
(not pictured: Joe)
Shane, Con, Sheri, Bob, Shana, and Sheila
Con, Sheri, Bon, Shana, and Sheila
Bob and the twins
(sheri on left, sheila on right)
Allie and her Grandma Sheri...
Joe and Nathan
Brett and his car...
Two Girl Cousins: Allie and Olivia
Jamie and Ty--crusin' in the wheelchair!
Jamie and Ty--
(But, Uncle! I have a good grip so I don't fall off!)
Great-Grandma Lila and some of her great-granddaughters/great-great granddaughters
Row 1: Abby, Allie, Morgan
Middle Row: Grandma Lila
3rd Row: Heather and Emily
The girls
Front: Abby, Gram Lila, Allie, Morgan, and Shana
Second: Sheri, Mom, Heather, Emily, and Sheila
Brett -- adorable!
Olivia and Brett
A picture of Gram and Gramp's old farm...


Pat said...

Good going Shana - I do appreciate you taking the pics and sharing them with all of us.

Kay Borowski said...

Those were wonderful pictures! It was an honor sharing this special time with all of you.

Mom/LaNita said...

Thank You Shana for taking the time and energy blogging these.

Mom/LaNita said...

Thank You Shana for taking the time and energy blogging these.

The Dorwin's said...

You really captured some great moments!! Thanks for sharing.

Is Jamie in a wheelchair?!?!?!?!?!