This year, our family had some special guests for "The Coloring of the Eggs".
Auntie Nicole, Carter, and Bradley came up to our house with Grandma Deb and Grandpa Ken to get in on the adventure! In anticipation of all of the fun, I cooked 84 eggs to be used as our blank canvases.
Lo and behold, the "other" Klimek's have never decorated their eggs quite like we do in our family, so tonight was an "eggstra" special "eggsperience" for them! Armed with our Crayola Crayons, we all set out to decorate our eggs with various works of art before dunking them in our dye color of choice.
Here are Abby, Austin, and Carter hard at work on their eggs...
After a slow start, Grandpa Ken joined in the fun with Grandma Debbie!

After a slow start, Grandpa Ken joined in the fun with Grandma Debbie!

Carter (well, half of him), Andrew, Jamie, and Bradley are having a BLAST creating their eggs!

I think Carter won the award for "Most Eggs Decorated In a Single Session"--
Here he is showing his award-winning technique while Austin diligently works on his masterpiece "Diamond Egg"...

Bradley preferred the GREEN dye--his favorite color--and drew some great pictures on his eggs!

Bradley even tasted the GREEN dye that was on his fingers and declared it "yummy"--must have been the somewhat "pickley" taste of the vinegar water!
Auntie Nicole worked on her eggs while Sophie looked on, hoping Auntie would drop an egg for Sophie to snitch for a tasty after-supper snack...
"The Coloring of the Eggs -- 2010" was a success!
A great time was had by all!

"The Coloring of the Eggs -- 2010" was a success!

A great time was had by all!
Coloring the eggs is one of the fun family traditions of Easter, and, I am sure the Bunny will visit our house tonight (unless the dogs get to him, which has always been a joke or concern, depending on which kid you talk to around here). The commercial parts of the Easter holiday are great fun, and hey, who doesn't love those Reeses Eggs?!
But, it is important to remember the REAL reason we celebrate Easter. The sacrifice that was made for us on the Cross on that Friday long ago, and the Resurrection on Easter Sunday that guarantees us all eternal life if we trust in Him.
He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed!
Happy Easter!
Reminds me of days gone by .... The men always hesitated to be part of the task, but seemed to have fun once they started.
Yes, the resurection of Christ is what Easter is truly about... Christ lived and died for each of us, eternal life is the gift He has offered.
It was sure a fun "eggs-perience" to color eggs with the Klimies. Thanks for having us over.
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