April 16th and 17th marked the 44th Annual Hillcrest Invitational Basketball Tournaments held in Fergus Falls, MN.
Or otherwise simply known as:
Once again, as has become our family tradition for the past seven years, we traveled to Fergus to take part in the basketball festivities with our family. This is a weekend we look forward to all year long! Abby even gave up her first AAU Basketball tournament and Austin missed his first Varsity Golf Meet of the season to attend the H.I.T.'s this year!
On Friday morning, Little Ty came to spend the day at his Grammie's house while his Mommy went to work. We had arrived at the Borowski house late Thursday night, so we were excited to see Ty on Friday morning. Unfortunately, poor Ty had an allergic reaction to something (maybe on me??) when we saw him on Friday morning.
On Friday morning, Little Ty came to spend the day at his Grammie's house while his Mommy went to work. We had arrived at the Borowski house late Thursday night, so we were excited to see Ty on Friday morning. Unfortunately, poor Ty had an allergic reaction to something (maybe on me??) when we saw him on Friday morning.
He wasn't feeling so good...

But his Grammie got him some Ben@dryl, and he soon was feeling much better!

Later that evening, the games began. Generation Gap was represented by two teams again this year.
People came from miles around to watch the Gap light up the court...

When all was said and done, one Gap team had a rough go of it, and, despite their valiant attempts, couldn't claim any victories for the weekend. The other Gap team pulled out a third place win for their efforts!

Jamie assumed the position he is most comfortable at--coaching! He enjoyed concocting strategies with the guys and coming up with "plays" from the bench.

While Andrew's team didn't have that great of a showing on the hardwood, he had a fun time with the cousins and just playing basketball.

Andrew played mostly point-guard on his team that included Grandpa Denny and Uncle Wes, as well as some friends of the family.

Austin grabs some air as he shoots for two...

Trent goes up for the dunk!

Timmy is ready to crash the boards while Scott shoots off the glass.

Matt emerged from the basement to play in the later-day games and showed the crowd he hadn't lost a step by missing a year...

Scott soared above the competition...

Jordan still has the perfect form...

Zac was pumping up the three's...

Wes could give Kobe a run for his money!

Air Dennis retired the green sweats and looked smashing in his fashionable hoops shorts....
The competition was tough, but Gramps stood his ground and played hard.
Auntie Morgan played with Allie and Ty...
Emily and Abby squeezed little Skye...
Allie spent some quality time with Uncle Jordan....
Allie was happy to see her Uncle again!
Paul also got some time in with little Skye!
The newest little fan of Generation Gap!
When the days got too long, Skye just snuggled in and took a nap...
One little guy had fun running on the court between games just like the big guys!
Ty can't wait until he can play basketball with the Gap!
Big Lewis and Little Lewis...
A boy and his dad...
I love taking pictures of this cute girl...
But these cute pictures are hard to come by...
'Cause every time I told her to smile for the camera, this is the look she gave me!

The competition was tough, but Gramps stood his ground and played hard.
Grandpa Paul and Allie spent time snuggling and watching the games.

Auntie Morgan played with Allie and Ty...

Emily and Abby squeezed little Skye...

Allie spent some quality time with Uncle Jordan....

Allie was happy to see her Uncle again!

Paul also got some time in with little Skye!

The newest little fan of Generation Gap!

When the days got too long, Skye just snuggled in and took a nap...

One little guy had fun running on the court between games just like the big guys!

Ty can't wait until he can play basketball with the Gap!

Big Lewis and Little Lewis...

A boy and his dad...

I love taking pictures of this cute girl...

But these cute pictures are hard to come by...

'Cause every time I told her to smile for the camera, this is the look she gave me!
Woohoo! I've been waiting for these! For some reason, when I checked earlier today the post wasn't showing up! STRANGE!
Love the blogs! Abz - the cake yummy. Great pics Shana!!
Great pics!!!!
We enjoyed the cake on Monday...thanks Abz!!
Not to mention making the front page story of the Daily Urinal.....I mean Daily Journal. :)
Great pictures and great reporting, Shana. Thanks so much. It really was a wonderful time and such fun seeing you all!
Great "in-the-air" pictures of the BB players! What a fun gathering - great pictures to share!
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