Monday, August 13, 2007

Allie's Early Birthday Party

The kids and I went to Rochester on Sunday with Grandma Pat and Grandpa Denny, Sheila, Wes, and Emily, to celebrate (a week early) little Allie Marie's SECOND BIRTHDAY!!!! We also got to visit Jeremy and Kara's new house for the first time. They have a great house, and we enjoyed our visit. The boys especially enjoyed the Buck Hunter full-sized video arcade game Jeremy has in his basement!
Here is little Alllie showing off her new Market Fruit Stand she received from the Borowski family. Some of her other gifts are stacked on the shelves of the stand. Sheila and I had a lovely time assembling the thousand pieces that made up the Fruit Stand! Thankfully, Allie loved the completed project! Abby did the finishing touch on the project by putting on the awning--way to go, Abz!
Here is Allie again with her gifts--climbing on the Fruit Stand proved to be great fun!

Allie Marie showing off her styling hair!
Kara had Allie's hair in sweet little "piggy's", but Allie wanted none of that--she pulled out her "hair pretties" at the first opportunity!

Allie tried on Grandpa Denny's shoes! She hauled them upstairs from down by the front door, plopped down, and stuck her little feet in his big "skis"!!!

Here are two of the cousins--Emily and Abby spent the afternoon playing with the little sweetie. We knew Allie was missing her Auntie Morgan, though--she was confused and kept calling Abby and Em "Auntie"! Abby and Emily and Allie missed you, Morgan!

We had a fun day at the Fylling's house in Rochester. Thanks for the good food, Kara! Happy Second Birthday, Allie Marie!!!! We love you!!!

1 comment:

Kay Borowski said...

What a neat gift and what a fun day for all of you. Have a super duper second birthday, Allie!

(p.s. It takes a lot to fill Grandpa Denny's shoes!)