look out, world, here we come! ~~~
Andrew was doing some "dog photography" the other day--had to share a pic with you!
Connie and Ken--more leveling! Who knew there was this much work involved in pouring cement?!?
Once the site was finally ready (after Friday night, all day Saturday, and Sunday morning of hard work!), the next job was keeping the dogs out of the dirt for the whole week! Believe me, they were curious and Sophie wanted to "help" dig the hole!
Bright and early on Saturday (6:45 am), Connie showed up with his "guys" to pour our cement! It was VERY interesting to watch, and I was more than a little jealous of the guys that got to gush around in the cement with their rubber boots on--it looked like fun!
Here is Connie supervising the cement loading into the wheelbarrow...
Ken and Jamie--wheelin' in another load!~~~
The Cement Crew!
Our cement looks great, and it will be nice to put a table and chairs out there to enjoy our back yard some more. Thanks to Connie and his crew and to Ken and Deb for all of their help with our "project"!
One last Consumer Alert before I sign off...CRACK KILLS!!!!
Happy Saturday!