Saturday, October 31, 2009

Halloween Hoe-Down at the Breidungs

**Revised with corrections from Morgan!!! My apologies to Morgan and Jeremy for incorrectly identifying their characters in the original blog post--the direct result of posting a blog at 1 am!!!
Two weeks ago (yes, I am behind on my blogging!), Aunt Con hosted a FANTABULOUS Halloween Bash at her house to celebrate some October birthdays--because everyone knows that all of the cool people were born in October.
A fun time was had by all, and it was especially fun to see all of the little ones...
Boo-Boo Chicken made an appearance:


Two girl cousins had a BLAST playing together all night long... ~~~
This little cutie modeled hats for us at a special showing!~~~
The Boo-Boo Chicken was very snugly in his Chicky costume!~~~
So snugly, that he fell asleep while I was holding him and took a good nap on the couch during the party!~~~
Olivia, Shrek Princess!~~~
Allie in her angel wings...~~~
A sweet little Dorothy...~~~

Aunt Con surprised us all by putting together COSTUMES for everyone at the party to wear! We all picked numbers, and when our number came up, we went into the back room and put on our costume, then came back out and modeled it for all to see! What a fun idea (and what a lot of work for Con!) We all had a lot of laughs as we saw who or what walked through the curtain after discovering what Con had in store for them!

Somebody liked his chicken outfit better--he must have remembered Auntie Sheri was allergic to bees!

Brett's grandma must know this little guy has a future in football, just like his dad did. Unfortunately, Brett isn't too fond of the helmet!~~~
"There, that's better!"~~~
Abby and Morgan rockin' the neon masks while they wait their turn to get their costumes on... ~~~
...and, of course, there were masks for the little girls, too! Shrek Princesses!~~~
Here is our hostess, Aunt Con, and Gram observing the festivities.~~~
Our first two guests to transform were Olivia "Dorothy" and Allie "The Fairy Princess"... ~~~
And Morgan "the Fortune Teller" and Corrine as "Little Red Riding Hood"!~~~
"Hawaiian" Heather and "Angelic" Gail made their appearance next....~~~
Then, we saw Amber, the "Pig in a Blanket" and Pat the "Mouse"! ~~~
One of the lost "Beach Boys", Mike, appeared next, with Kara the "Bumble Bee"...


Even Ozzy Osbourne made a brief appearance at our party! (although you may think he bears a striking resemblance to Jeremy in this picture...) ~~~
Abby the "Cute little Clown" came out next, along with Brett Favre--still unsure of where he wants to play! He was sporting the purple shirt, but had on the green mask and still was carrying the Packer football! Poor guy was so confused, that his Number 4 on his jersey is even upside down! I wonder what Zac would say about that???~~~
And here comes "Amish Bob" and "Sheriff" Denny!

(Don't you think Bob looks like Bernie from "Weekend at Bernie's?!?!) ~~~
And what is an Amish man without his Amish woman?

"Amish Bon" made her appearance next, along with Sheri the "Leopard"! ~~~
Here is the lovely couple, reunited at last! ~~~
Next, we had appearances by Cory, the "Champion Hunter", and Kermit the Frog! His mustache might remind you of Al, but don't be fooled--"it isn't easy being green!"~~~
And then, it was time for the most charming two guests of the night to make their appearance: (hey, it's MY blog!)

Grandma Bonnie, A.K.A. Grandma Peep the "Sunflower", complete with her own watering can, and Shana the "Cow"! ~~~
There was but one more person to change into a costume--our lovely hostess--but where did she go???

Here she is--

Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog reunited... ~~~
The October Birthday Gang and their "Scary" cake...~~~
Thanks, Con, for a "MOOOORY" fun night!Happy Halloween!


The Fyllings said...

Morgan would like to correct you...she is a fortune teller & Jeremy is Ozzie Osborn. :)

Pat said...

What a fun time remembering! Thanks for the pics/memories -- to Con and Al ...thanks for the fun.

The Dorwin's said...

So glad to see your updated post! We were getting worried.....
What a fun party to enjoy! Love the costumes!

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Thanks for dropping by my blog to say hello! I love your Halloween pictures ... you know, THESE ONES. :)