Thursday, December 24, 2009

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas--Finally!

Well, it is finally starting to feel like Christmas around the Klimek house--and not a moment too soon! According to this little guy, we are down to the wire! Only one more day until Christmas!
Abby faithfully keeps our Christmas Countdown up-to-date every year on our little Christmas Moose chalkboard!
Lately, life has been running away with me, and I have been hanging on for dear life! I am thrilled to say that I have taken some vacation days from work, there are no basketball games for the boys (although they still have practices), and we have scheduled no basketball practices for Abby over Christmas break.
What that all means is--the Klimek Family is going to enjoy Christmas by relaxing together and cherishing our gift of family time! I am so excited!
As we "burrow" into our snug home to get ready to celebrate Christmas, we are enjoying the pretty seasonal decorations...
The candles are lit and filling the air with their yummy scents.

My Precious Moment's Nativity set (a gift from my mother-in-law 15 years ago for Christmas) makes it's yearly trek from the curio cabinet and onto the fireplace mantle to remind us all of the true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus...


I love sitting on the couch with all of the lights off in the room and gazing at the Christmas tree with all of the twinkling white lights while the Christmas Carols are playing softly in the background!~~~
Our family stockings (new this year--a clearance item from JCPenney!) are hung by the chimmney with care...And we are in the beginning stages of a snowstorm that is supposed to be moving through the area for the next 2-3 days. Total snow accumulation is predicted to be anywhere from 15 to 20 inches, but I will believe that when I see it!

In any event, I selfishly feel so peaceful knowing that we don't need to go anywhere over the next few days and can just hunker down here in our warm, cozy house together as our family of five--and two stinky dogs.
These are the poinsettias out on my front porch tonight--good thing they are fake!

Here is the view across the street--I am standing on my front porch looking at the neighbor's house... ~~~
And another view, looking at the streetlight...Yep, it is beginning to look alot like Christmas!


Safe travels to all of you who will be driving in the next few days, and Merry Christmas to you all!


Pat said...

Whith all your family does on your day to day activities it is good that you can have this time of relaxation.

I did some shopping last night and haven't wrapped a thing ... still almost no Christmas decorations but we do know that Jesus is the reason for this season.

H said...

Merry Christmas Klimies! I wish you could be here tonight, but I know how nice it is to get some time to relax! Now I need to get off my butt and pack up our gifts and goodies and get myself and Ty ready for church tonight! Enjoy your holiday!

The Dorwin's said...

Merry Christmas Klimek's!!