Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A Cheering Squirrel!

Monday night was the big night for the Cheer Camp Performance. Abby was home sick from school on Monday, but was feeling better by late afternoon, so I let her go to the game for her big cheering debut. I probably shouldn't have let her go, but, oh well, you are only a 9-year-old cheerleader once!
The little girls, ranging in age from kindergarten thru fourth grade, were able to perform the school song, stand on the court for the playing of the Star-Spangled Banner, do a few half-time cheers and routines, and cheer from the sidelines for the first half of the Varsity girls game.
Abby did a great job remembering the words to the cheers along with the hand motions--she should know most of them--we go to enough games! :-)
I have included a few pictures for your viewing enjoyment...
Abby is the one with the yellow ribbon in her hair!
"The team is in the huddle..."
My friend, Kelli's, favorite cheer!
The girls even learned some stunts/mounts at their Cheer Camp and were able to demonstrate them at the game!
Abz did a great job with her cheering, and it was fun to see all the little girls--especially the little kindergartners! Abby and I just keep talking about how, even though cheerleading is a lot of fun, our family really likes to play basketball even more! (hint, hint!!!)
Here's to hoping the big orange ball beats out the pom-pons!

1 comment:

The Dorwin's said...

That was really cute! Abby looked like she did a great job. Tell Abby that Auntie says....cheerleading is awesome and a very valuable sport! I would love to see her continue!! :-)