Wednesday, January 23, 2008

A Sad Day...

It was a very sad day here at the Klimek house, as we were told the news that Jack's "wife" and Sophie's mom, Misty the Dog, was killed by a garbage truck today outside of her house. She had been playing in the yard with her owner, Bill, when she took off for the road. The truck tried to stop, but was unable to do so in time to avoid Misty, and she died instantly.
There were some sad faces around here after school when I had to break the news to the kids, and one VERY sad little girl in our house! Also, Jason, the youngest son of Bill and Shelly, and one of Misty's owners, had piano lessons right after Abby tonight. He also told me the news, and he was pretty devestated, too. Poor kid!
So, tonight's blog update is a few pictures of Misty the Dog as a tribute to Jack's "wife" and Sophie's mom....
Jusans Raleigh Golden Misty
A.K.A. "Misty"
Misty and her newborn puppies

Abby and Misty and 3 little puppies

Misty with all eleven of her babies...

~Misty and Jack~
Goodbye, Misty--you were a great dog!


Sheila said...

It makes us sad too.

The Dorwin's said...

That is really sad....I'm sorry.

The Fyllings said...

How wonderful that you have pictures to remember her by....and Sophie!


That's so terrible...sorry...