Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jordan!!!!

Happy 22nd Birthday, Jordan Paul on June 6th!!!

Sorry I am a day late with your birthday posting, your birthday was a busy day--

I hope it was a great day for you!!!


Handsome Devil!!!


Cute from the very beginning....


My Favorite Picture of Jordan!

Looking so innocent--can this be Jordan???


Lookin' snazzy for Christmas!
Jordan has
always held
a special
place in my
Could it be
because we
both were
growing up?
Or is it
because we
both can
make an
Rub-a-dub-dub, three kids in the tub!
Jeremy, Jordan, and Heather~~~
Two studs down on the farm...
Jordan and Brittany
Summer 2007
Hope you had a GREAT birthday, Jordan!
love, the Klimies
***UPDATE: My apologies!!! Somehow, I didn't post these pics and this blog posting on the day after Jordan's birthday like I thought I did--I found this post "hanging out" in my drafts?!? How Curious!!! Sorry, Jordan!!!


Sheila said...

Shana.....I never realized it and Jordan do have the same "monster mouth". :)

Pat said...

The good looks come from Gram Pat, but the mouth.....I don't think so.