Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Weekend in Nelson

Abby and I were able to head off to Nelson on Saturday afternoon for Ty Cameron's baby shower hosted by Grandma Pat. It was a beautiful afternoon for the kids (and the Puggle) to play outside, and it was GREAT to see so many aunts, uncles, cousins, grandmas, etc. at the party!
I, of course, couldn't hold little Ty enough! Some may even say I was a "Baby Hog" this weekend! Here are a few pictures I was able to snap of Ty this weekend...
Sweet Cheeks!
Big Cousin Abby and Little Cousin Ty
The little Piggy LOVES his Bottle!!!
Allie Marie was SO proud to be a big girl and hold little Ty!
Sweet Allie Marie
Beautiful Eyes
... just a little pouty
lovin' up Grandma Sheri
What a fun weekend!

1 comment:

The Dorwin's said...

We loved meeting Baby Ty! Carter was especially excited as he couldn't wait to hold him.