Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Goodbye to "Gran" and Her Donuts...

It is a sad week in the world of daytime television.
Alice Horton (A.K.A., Francis Reid), at the age of 95, has died.
"Gran" was always available for a chat, some sound advice, and, her world-famous donuts...~~~

Where would Salem be today without the steady presence of "Gran" over the years?~~~
Alice Horton was one of the only original cast members of Days of Our Lives remaining on the show today!Francis Reid first made her appearance in Salem when the show debuted in 1965, and has been on the show ever since, making her last appearance in December of 2007.
~~~Even though I haven't watched DOOL in several years, I will always remember "Gran" and her donuts with fondness.



"Like sands through the hourglass, so are the Days of Our Lives."


Sheila said...

I haven't watched it since our Grand Forks days.....on our old black and white TV....but I do recall she always had some stellar advice! :)

Pat said...

I watched this program when the twins were babies....right from the start for several years hated to miss a program...but it was repeated often enough in the next programs that you really didn't miss much. Mrs. Horton was a grand lady.....but I blame the SOAPS as some of the reason of the deteriation of marriage :(. You don't have to agree with me.