Saturday, May 22, 2010

School For Nerds

Riverview Middle School
"School For Nerds"
on Thursday, May 20 and Friday, May 21.
This play was about Brawny High, a school where "jocks rule and bookworms drool".
But... the school accreditation committee gets wind of the fact that Brawny High holds no classes and only focus's on sports. In an attempt to save their school, Brawny High Administration recruits some nerds to increase their overall test scores. The nerds and jocks, however, don't get along very well. The play shows the fun interactions between two very different cliques and how they save Brawny High.
Due to the high number of students that tried out for the play, four 5th and 6th grade students wrote an additional act into the play entitled, "The Quiz Bowl". Abby was one of the fifth grade students who wrote this act, and she starred in the act as "Naggle", a nerd from a competitive school as they challenged the jocks from Brawny High...
Naggle the Nerd!
Davis the Jock is offended by Naggle the Nerd and her knowledge of pi (NOT pie!), and drags her off the stage for a "swirlie" in the toilet!
With wet hair from a recent "swirlie", Naggle discusses the various types of eye disorders...
"Opthalmia, Astigmatism, Conjunctivitis...."
Go Nerds!!!
Dora and Naggle register disbelief when the jocks get an answer right in the quiz bowl!
The Jocks from Brawny High win the quiz bowl in some strange twist, but, as Naggle looks on, the jocks are disqualified for unsportsmanlike behavior.
As a result, the nerds win the Quiz Bowl and the trophy!
The cast of School for Nerds
Abz and her friend, Kyra
Two Nerds
Abz and Sara
Quiz Bowl Nerds
Zach and Abz
(Edgar and Naggle)
The kids put on a great production!
Thanks to Grandma Pat for coming to watch the performance--even Austin and Andrew enjoyed the play!
Abz is looking forward to her next opportunity to be in a production- she loved it!
'til next time!


H said...

Way to go Abz! I hope you had as much fun as I used to!

Sheila said...

Maybe we can see the re-runs (video recording).....wish we could have been there! Maybe next time. :)

Mom/LaNita said...

actresses must run in the Manor side of the family. Shana, did you make up the "nerdy" outfits?

Mom/LaNita said...

actresses must run in the Manor side of the family. Shana, did you make up the "nerdy" outfits?

Pat said...

It was a great play - time went fast and the play was a fast moving with lots of excitement.

The 2nd Act written in to the play was very good - would you believe that the 'swirlie' was a Abz idea?

Then on Sat. I was able to attend one of Abz soccer games (the 2nd was forfiet as the other team didn't show up for the game). Abby is running all over the field and had some nice kidks --- which could have been passes, but I don't know enough about soccer...but love to watch the grandkids no matter what they are doing!!!

Kay Borowski said...

Looks great and hilarious. Wish I could have been there. Nice job, Abz!

The Dorwin's said...

You make an awesome Nerd, Abby!! Would love to watch it -- did your mom record it???
Miss ya!