Saturday, September 29, 2007

Happy 1 Week Birthday, Puppies!

Today the puppies are one week old. Abby, Bailey, and I stopped to see them on our way home from Abby's basketball in Rice Lake. Misty is doing well and is already ready to play some ball!
Poor Jack is missing out on all of the fun of the puppies. Here he is snuggling with Andrew at home.

The little puppies are so happy when they are all in a big pile. We tried to line them all up in a row for a picture, but they didn't stay still long enough, and kept going right back into a "ball of puppies"!

The puppies' noses have turned black in the week since they were born (see my previous post of 9-22-07)--aren't they cute!!!

Here is Abby giving a little girl puppy some love...

Tired puppy...

Abby and Bailey each hugging a puppy!

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