Monday, September 24, 2007

My son, the cheerleader...

It is Homecoming week at BHS, and Austin is enjoying his first year in High School with all of the extra activities that surround Homecoming. Sunday night was the Powder Puff football game, and Austin and some of his fellow male classmates were the cheerleaders for the Freshman girls team. They didn't do too bad, but I am happy to say that I don't think they have a future in cheerleading! :-)
Here is Austin and some friends getting the crowd going...
Mitch and Hunter.....David K and Austin.....Adam and David S
More astounding acrobatics from the Freshman class!
(Austin is the one upside down!)

Lookin' smashin' in a sexy wig...

Doing the worm in the dance-off to "Bringin' Sexy Back"

The Cheerleaders with some of their football players...
The poor Freshman girls had a rough night on the field--I don't remember the score of their game against the seniors, something like 24 to 0. The boys, however, put on a pretty good show, and were second to the senior boys in performance. I hope that is something I don't have to see again for a long time!

1 comment:

The Fyllings said...

We have had some "frightening" moments during Homecoming.....Jordan modeling a coconut bra and grass skirt is one such moment that comes to mind! Maybe he can "hook" Austin up for next year!!