Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Christmas Eve with the Klimeks...

Tonight was our Christmas here at home with the kids. We enjoyed a quiet day around home and opened our gifts this early evening. Here are some pictures of the kids with their favorite gifts--the ones off their Christmas Wish Lists...
Austin with his new snowboard and boots--he is just itching to hit the slopes!
Andrew with his new guitar for XBox 360 and Guitar Hero III--his quote for the evening, "I am in love with this game!!!"

Abby and her Dream Life Superstar game--she had asked Santa for this one, so she wrote him a note for this evening so he didn't bring her another one!

The dogs enjoyed their bones from Grandma Pat and Grandpa Denny...

Jack and Sophie snuggling during gift opening...
(picture by Andrew)

The Klimek Family had a very nice Christmas Eve this year with lots of nice gifts--the best gift of all, though, was the five of us (or seven, with the dogs!) being together.

Unfortunately, Christmas Eve started out not so well for Meme, as she has been having problems with her back and not feeling well. This morning, she was unable to get out of bed and had to be transported to the Whitehall hospital via ambulance.

This evening, Deb must have been feeling jealous of Meme's ambulance ride, because she ended up getting sick, too, with a terrible headache, dizziness, and extremely high blood pressure. She, too, had to have an ambulance ride to Whitehall hospital, and then on to LaCrosse for further testing. Jamie drove down to Chippewa Falls, picked up Aunt Bev, and then went to Whitehall tonight to be with his mom. Bev rode in the ambulance to LaCrosse with Deb, and Jamie drove Ken down to LaCrosse, with Nicole following in her own vehicle, where they will hopefully soon find some answers to what is making Deb ill.

Please remember both Deb and Meme (Romelle) in your prayers as they are struggling to feel better for Christmas...

****UPDATE 12-25-07: Deb is home from the hospital in LaCrosse--they brought her home around 4am this morning. They aren't sure what caused her "episode"--we are just hoping she is feeling better soon...

1 comment:


Joe is so jealous...he wants Guitar Hero 3 too!!