Saturday, May 10, 2008

Saturday Morning Soccer

Abby had her first day of soccer this morning. She and Bailey are on the same team, and both girls were pretty tired after a night of partying! The five girls were up before 7am this morning, ready to party some more!
Even though Abby was tired, she played hard and got right in the middle of all of the action on the soccer field. Here she is dribbling the ball up the field.~~~
Getting ready for a big kick!
Playing tough defense!
Examining her "war-wound" from an opponent's cleat--ouch!
The last girl went home around 4:00, and Abby and I took a nap! We are both exhausted and ready to hit the hay for the night! We had a fun time at her party, and soccer this morning was fun, too--the rain didn't come until later this morning!
Tomorrow, we are off to Durand to celebrate Mother's Day with Grandma Pat and Grandma Debbie and Grandma Lila at Club 10. Happy Mother's Day!!!


Pat said...

I was glad to see Abby's owie healing already today! It sounds like it was quite a party and activities.

Gram Pat

The Dorwin's said...

Abz- you look like a real go-getter out there. I can't wait to see you play! Auntie