Thursday, May 8, 2008

Woodland Elementary Hosts Grandparents

Today was "Grandparent's Day" at Woodland Elementary. This is the day that all kids are able to invite their grandparents to join them for lunch and to see their classroom, meet their friends, and see where they go out to recess. Abby was very fortunate to have both of her grandmas come to share the day with her today!
Both Grandma Pat and Grandma Deb came to Barron on Wednesday night. Abby took advantage of her captive audience and read her reading assignment book to the grandmas. She had just gotten out of the shower and was heading off to bed...Abby said she had a fun time having her grandmas at school today--thanks, grandmas, for taking time out of your busy schedules to make Abby's day so much fun!

1 comment:

Pat said...

We Grandmas had a great time with the Klimek family on Wed. evening and eating Subs with Abby on the playground for lunch. ABZ, keep working on the multiplican flash cards! Grandma Deb and I will flash them again sometime! When you are 'zookeepper' make the guinea pig pen nice and clean!

Gram Pat