Sunday, September 28, 2008

It's Homecoming Week--Powder Puff Football Time!

Tonight marked the start of BHS Homecoming week with the annual Powder Puff Football game. Why is this significant, you ask? Because, it is that time of year when Austin and his friends get to become CHEERLEADERS for the girls as they play flag football!
Here is Austin at the top of the "pyramid", showing his class spirit!~~~
Another cool move by the sophomore cheer squad!


In spite of all of the sophomore boy's great efforts to inspire their team, the sophomore girls lost to the junior girls by a score of 24 to 0. Hopefully, our girls will continue to practice in the off-season and have a better showing next year!~~~

Some of the squad...

(l to r) Jake Sinclair, David Sloan, Hunter Karnitz, Austin Klimek, David Kaus, Dalton Ress


The Dorwin's said...

I can see some of Auntie's talents in my nephew!! :-)

Pat said...

Watch out you guys, you may get that job permanently!