Sunday, September 28, 2008

Squirrel's Saturday Basketball

The Squirrel had basketball once again this past Saturday in Rice Lake. The Raiders played the Wildcats this week. Abby played GREAT--her defense really improved this week! Here she is guarding her girl, and her arms are moving so fast, you can't even see them in the picture!!!!~~~
Abby, number 4, dribbling past everyone to the basket!


The Squirrel

Unfortunately, it was another loss for the Raiders this week. We are confident they will pull off a win soon, though! GO RAIDERS!!!


The Dorwin's said...

Abby - where are your arms???? We can't wait to see you play!!

Pat said...

Great going Abz......each week helps you get better at your basketball.

Your a whizzzzzzz.

Gram Pat