Sunday, November 16, 2008


On Monday, November 10th, we had some visitors come all the way from North Dakota! Jordan and his friend, ____________(insert name here), drove to Wisconsin to pick up Jordan's new truck. They arrived late Monday night--I never did see them then, as I was called in to work several times that night, and our paths never crossed. Jamie and I went to work, and the kids went to school on Tuesday, and I didn't see Jordan until Tuesday night after work! I never did get the name of his friend, either! Ooops!
Grandma Deb and Grandpa Ken came to visit on Tuesday to observe Veteran's Day at Abby's school with Abby. Abby is always proud to have her Grandpa Ken, a Vietnam Veteran, and our own Family Hero, come to observe this special holiday at her school.
The big plans for Tuesday evening was for everyone to go to Andrew's basketball game against Hayward--then, everyone was planning to head for home. Well, unfortunately, Hayward didn't show up for the game, and Mother Nature didn't cooperate with the plans for anyone to drive home that night! We were blessed with a snow and ice storm that made driving quite hazardous, so we planned a slumber party at the Klimek house on Tuesday night!
Here are Jordan and his friend, enjoying the Bakery donuts on Wednesday morning before heading back out to North Dakota... ~~~
Jack was SO EXCITED to have Grandma Deb to snuggle up to and take a nap!
(Abby just had to take a picture of that!!!)
Well, after all of the excitement, everyone made it home, and life is back to "normal" around here--with the exception of the black car that has now made itself at home in my driveway! Somehow Austin thinks he should inherit Jordan's car in a few months when he gets his driver's license!!!!! UGH!!!


The Fyllings said...
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The Fyllings said...

Jordan's buddy is Michael Weber. Michael is from Alaska and played football with Jordan at VCSU. (They also live together in a house with a couple other guys.) The guys stopped in Alexandria to take in part of Morgan's basketball game on their way to Barron. What a good brother!

Pat said...

Nice that Jordan and Micheal stayed to attend the non-game....too bad it didn't take place I am sure that Andrew was disappointed there was not a game.

As for the car, Austin are you practicing your driving? Makes me feel 'old' (and we all know I AM NOT) thinking you are driving!

Gram Pat