Thursday, March 25, 2010

Dental Floss, Door Knobs, and Dumb Ideas

What do you get when you combine
Dental Floss
Door Knobs
Dumb Ideas?

...that, internet, is the end result!

Nope, it's not popcorn. Not a chewed up piece of gum either. It's Abby's molar!

Abz went with the good old tried and true method of tying a string (in this case, dental floss) around her ridiculously loose tooth, and then proceeded to tie the other end to the door knob. ~~~
After a few good "slams" of the door, this was the end result...A big, bloody gap where her molar used to be!


The Fyllings said...

One of her highly intelligent brothers did the same thing at Grandma Pat's house one time. I can still recall how we all cringed when that door slamed shut!!

Pat said...

It must have been faster than just wiggeling with the fingers~

Good looking haircut too!

Sheila said...

Hope the Tooth Fairy was good to you Abz....

The Dorwin's said...

Ouch! That is very courageous!