Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Kitchen Fairy Strikes Again...

There was more progress made today on our kitchen project. We now have all of our countertops and all of our lighting! We also have all of our WORKING APPLIANCES!!!!! Tonight, my family had a home-cooked meal for the first time in WEEKS! We ate at our new "penninsula" and toasted our kitchen with sparkling cider that Abby bought a month ago in anticipation of this day. There is still more work to be done, but we are excited that we are getting closer to the end!
Austin snapped a picture of Jack and Sophie eating their supper--they both share the bowl, because, heaven forbid, someone may get more then someone else if they each have their own bowls! Sophie is getting quite big already... :-(

1 comment:

The Fyllings said...

The kitchen looks great!! Wow, Sophie is huge already! Can't wait to come and see all the new additions!