Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween Fun

The three kids all went out trick-or-treating this year with friends, and, for the very first time, I was left home alone and was able to greet trick-or-treaters here at our house! Of course, Jack helped me out with that... Abby dressed him up as a lovely princess, but he didn't seem to keep the outfit on long enough for a photo op.
Here is Andrew and his friends before they left to go haunt the town... Andrew was dressed as some kind of fairy princess--he had on a Cinderella dress with fairy wings. He was very pretty.
Abby and Bailey were pirates!

Abby and her friends at their school halloween party...
Austin didn't really "dress up"--he put on a pair of sunglasses and said he was a gangster. Unfortunately, I didn't get a picture of his award-winning costume, either. :-(

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