Sunday, December 28, 2008

Attention Lurkers!

This blog post is for all of you "Lurkers" out there. "What is a 'Lurker'", you ask? Well, a "Lurker" is someone who visits a blog, but never leaves a comment! Yep, that's you!!! I know there are people popping in and reading my blog--I have a visitor counter on the side bar that lets me know these things! Wouldn't it be great if you would leave an occasional message when you stop by? (the correct answer to that rhetorical question is "yes"!)
Now, now. It doesn't have to be anything fancy! Don't feel any stress about it! Even a sentence will do! Or a simple "hello"! It is really easy, too. All you have to do is click on the comments section, which on my blog is labeled "Intellegent Insights". Once you click on "Intelligent Insights" (which is located at the bottom of EACH individual blog post), you can type in your comments in the box that appears. Then, all you have to do is enter in your user name (e-mail address) and password! SO EASY! If you do not have a blogger accout yet, you can simply make one by clicking on that option, entering in your e-mail address, and creating a password for yourself.
Now, I know you can do it! I can't wait to read your comments on my blog! Even if it is just to say how boring my life has become!!!! *smile*
I'll be watching for you...
oh yeah--be sure to scroll down (and scroll, and scroll, and scroll)--I finally updated my blog with posts long overdue.


Kay Borowski said...

Thanks for keeping up updated, Shana! Enjoyed all your pictures and reports. Sounds like you had another terrific Christmas celebration. Wish we could have joined you! Happy New Year filled with the blessings of our Savior!

Scott and Kayla said...

Shana, I loved this post! I must admit, I am one of these "lurkers"... I will try and stop by more and leave my intelligent insights! Thanks for the comment on our post, I do definitely like screening what pictures can make it on here...definitely a plus! Looks like you guys had a great christmas, we'll be looking forward to seeing you and the gang at HIT's if not before then :)