Sunday, May 3, 2009

Fun With Friends!

Around here, somebody always seems to be having "Fun With Friends". I snapped a few pictures on Friday of Abby and Andrew with some of their friends...
Mario Cart for Wii is the latest and greatest game. I, myself, rock at this game. (well, I manage to cross the finish line most races...) I am always Peach. I am not sure who Jacob was during this game, but I would bet that Andrew was racing with Waluigi!~~~
Nick, Andrew, Carsen, and Jacob--Mario Cart Challenge after school...

Later that evening...

We were invited to the Borgen's house to celebrate the end of the Eighth Grade Traveling Boy's Basketball season. Abby had fun with the "little sisters" again--they took on some of the boys in a game of kick ball.
Here's Josie, Abby, and Ahna in a variety of poses for your enjoyment...
Andrew, Neil, Zach, Carsen, Nick, and Nick's dad, Dan, played--what else--BASKETBALL!! at the basketball party. Because one can NEVER get enough basketball!
A Fabulously Fun Friday with Friends!


Pat said...

Looks as if things continue to happen at the Klimie household. Glead to see the kids having fun.


We LOVE Mario Kart too! Maybe we'll have to play online together sometime:)