Monday, July 13, 2009

It's A Dog's Life

Last week on Friday, Abz was getting ready to head north to get in touch with her inner cowgirl. She was invited again this year to go with her friend Bailey and Bailey's family to the Spooner Rodeo. So, Abby dug deep into the back of her closet, found her cowboy hat, packed her sleeping bag, and got ready to "ride the dusty trail into the sunset". (That was cowboy-speak for "go campin'")
Here is Abz modeling her cowboy hat...
We played with the dogs for a bit outside before Abby had to saddle her mount (bike) and ride over to Bailey's to load up the covered wagon (camper) for the trail ride.
Sophie enjoyed fetching the stick--but not as much as she enjoyed EATING the stick...
Abby and Jack spent some time snuggling...
Abz and I made a trip to Dairy Queen for an ice cream cone. This usually ends in a scrumptious treat for Jack and Sophie, and this day was no exception. Abby was "sharing" with the dogs... two licks for her, two licks for Sophie, two licks for Jack, two licks for her... You get the picture. It was absolutely DISGUSTING!
The dogs always seem to get our cones when we are done with the ice cream. (I do miss the taste of those crunchy cones...)
Here is Abz giving Sophie her turn at a lick on the cone...
Now Jack's turn--aren't they polite dogs to wait their turn?!?
Yeah, well, that didn't last long! They were both too worried that the other might be getting more licks than they were, so they began to eat the cone together! That was when I ended up sacrificing MY cone, too, to keep peace in the family.
Sophie LOVES summer days of sticks, sun, and ice cream!

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