Friday, April 24, 2009

Chicks With Sticks

Abby recently joined a group at school called "Chicks With Sticks"--it is a group of about 4 girls that showed some intrest to their art teacher, Ms. Waters, in learning how to knit. Abby has taken on her new hobby with great gusto, and has taken off with the knitting needles like an old pro! Auntie Sheila would be so proud!
Here is the Chick with the Sticks demonstrating her knitting skills...
Abby's first project was a scarf made in our school colors--maroon and gold. She brought it home the first day she began working on it and declared it was for her friend (and mine), Kelli. Kelli is one of Abby's great friends. Kelli invites Abby and the girls over to her house for fun activities--like "LOPNBA" parties (Lots Of Pickles, No Boys Allowed) and egg-dying parties. Abby loves spending time with Kelli.
Here is Kelli, graciously modeling the scarf Abby made for her. Kelli wore it proudly to the boy's track meet last Tuesday.
Abby made a project for me, also. She wasn't sure what it would be, as she didn't have very much yarn to begin with. The end result is a charming hot pad that will be perfect for my oblong casseroles and my cake pans!
Thanks, Abz!
Yet another project was Abby finishing a scarf that I had started a few years ago. I didn't have very much done on it, and Abby worked hard to finish it.
Here is Abby, showing that knitting, and the end results, can be great fun!
What a dork!!!


Pat said...

Good going and Auntie Sheila and cousins Emily and Morgan will need to show your skills to one another.

Sheila said...

Abz.....I AM so proud of you!!!!
I will give you some circular needles and you can make a hat next!!!!

The Dorwin's said...

You can add the little blankie that Abby knitted for us. We love it and keep it in a safe place. Thanks, Abby.