Friday, April 24, 2009

Holy Cow! Beware of Global Warming...

Researchers in Argentina, in an attempt to understand and reduce global warming effects, have figured out what the true threat to our environment is...
The Cow.
Due to the cow's four stomachs, which results in very long digestive periods, cows, it seems, are prime producers of methane gas! Methane gas, as we all know, is 23 more times effective than carbon dioxide at trapping heat in the atmosphere, thus leading to global warming. A single cow has the capabilities of producing between 800 to 1,000 liters of emissions, including methane, each day!
Now, you may be wondering how these scientists in Argentina were able to gather this specific data regarding the emissions of cows per day--I know I was!
Well, here is the answer: apparently, Argentinian cows walk around all day with these "flatulence backpacks" strapped to their backs to trap their "emissions"...
I shudder to think what may happen when the backpack reaches it's capacity!
Do not be dismayed--millions of US tax dollars are being directed toward this research, as well, so those Argentinians won't be the only ones solving the global warming problem by curbing their cow's emissions.
After all, it must be the fault of the cows--global warming couldn't be caused by something else...
For more information on these spectacular Argentinian cows, visit


Pat said...

This is a gas!

The Dorwin's said...

Shana - this blog just makes me think you have waaaaay too much time on your hands! :-)
Thanks for educating us!