Friday, April 24, 2009

Signs of Spring

It is spring time in Barron, WI!
Today the dogs and I walked the yard, searching for Signs of Spring, and our search did not go unrewarded! Of course, there are pictures to share with you all of our nature hike, proving that spring is indeed here in Barron, WI...
The Squirrels are out scampering in the yard...~~~
Weeds have officially "peeked up" through the cracks in my sidewalk...
Water is no longer frozen, but flowing freely in our yard...
Trees are budding and starting to bloom!
Oh, how I look forward to seeing those tender, green shoots on the trees!
Birds are pooping on the sidewalks...
The trusty grill has emerged from the dark garage, ready to make many meals for the Klimek Family...
Lillies are shooting up out of their winter beds...
Dogs are feeling frisky and wrestling with abandon...
Sticks have become the favorite toy in the yard...
(okay, that is year-round!)
We reveled in the 80 degree weather today and enjoyed our walk around the yard tremendously! I can't tell you how long I have waited for this weather! (Probably as long as all of you that live in the "Frozen Tundra"!)
Of course, the true Sign of Spring showed itself tonight.
A spring thunderstorm that brought with it a nasty little suprise...
Yep, Abz picked up that piece of hail from our front porch tonight.
(Please excuse the callouses on her palms--they are going through the Presidential Physical Fitness portion of their Phy Ed, and she has been doing chin-ups, as well as arm hangs on the bar. I am happy to report that so far, Abz is earning a BLUE ribbon!)
This was the view from our front porch...
Hail isn't a friend to those in the car business. Jamie assures me it was too small to do any harm, though...
Happy Spring!!!


The Fyllings said...

Good to know that it is finally Spring. Two days ago it was 90 degrees here & yesterday it snowed. Ugh.

Pat said...

What a nice walk in the yard...looks as if your squirles still need to thaw out.

I was sure you were going to show a winter pile of doggie doo-doo! You have pleasantly surprised me.