Monday, April 13, 2009

The Coloring of the Eggs 2009

Saturday night, the Klimies settled in for our traditional Easter egg coloring fun. This year, we hard-boiled 54 eggs to be subjected to our creative juices! Abby was thrilled with the many small, blank, white "canvases"--Jamie, Austin, and Andrew, however, were not quite as excited...
We gathered 'round the table and got to work...
Here is Abby hard at work on her egg!~~~
Andrew--both thrilled to be photographed and thrilled to be coloring eggs!
Austin working diligently on his egg creation.
Jamie using his artistic abilities to their fullest!
In spite of the slow start, everyone warmed up to the idea of coloring eggs, and we all had a fun time coloring, dyeing, and laughing at each other's eggs. Here are some of our finished products...
The "Dad" egg by Abby...
One of my favorites, The "Shana Banana" egg--compliments of Austin!
Basketball eggs with all three kid's basketball numbers on them...
...and the traditional "bald grandpa" egg, sporting the bald spot on the top of his head!
Of course, Jack and Sophie weren't forgotten, either!
After our "egg-citing" egg coloring fun, we all sat down to watch a movie together to remind us all of the TRUE meaning of Easter.
A very moving film that depicts the suffering Christ bore as he paid the price for our sins on Calvary. I almost made it through the entire movie without my pager going off! Eerily, it went off just as Jesus was dying on the cross!
We enjoyed our Easter Sunday with our traditional morning Easter egg hunt--boy, that bunny was sneaky this year! After a great church service, we had a lovely meal involving ham--because who doesn't have ham for Easter?!? Then, we watched movies together (and I took a nap--after all, I had been at the hospital until almost 2:30 the night/morning before!) It was a great --and relaxing-- Easter Sunday!


Pat said...

Glad you had fun coloring eggs and enjoying Easter the fun way, but most of all the movie you watched after coloring of eggs.



Awesome easter eggs!! Do you really eat all 54 eggs??!!

The Dorwin's said...

Nice job on the eggs! Was it last year when Jack ate one of Abby's beautifully decorated eggs??

Happy Easter Klimeks!!