Monday, March 23, 2009

A History of Badger Women's Basketball

Abby completed her fourth grade Wisconsin project last night. She had to pick a topic that intrested her and that somehow impacts Wisconsin history.
Abby chose this for her topic...The History of Women's Basketball at University of Wisconsin-Madison!
Here is Abby's completed project...
She included several pictures of ladies from the late 1800's and early 1900's from UW Madison playing basketball.
Here is a picture she colored of Bucky Badger...
This "team" was from 1902, although the team wasn't officially recognized by the university, and the women only played amongst themselves, and occasionally against local high schools.
Abby wrote several cards of information to post along with her pictures...
Another picture of an early women's basketball game at UW Madison--check out the skirts the ladies wore!
Abby even made a replica of a basketball court out of popcicle sticks!
Abz had a great idea to suspend basketballs by springs above the rims on her basketball hoops!
One tired girl after working hard on her Wisconsin project!
Good Job, Abz!


Pat said...

Good going Abz, you should get an 'A' on this one. Good subject and very informative.

The Fyllings said...

Cool project - iteresting info too!


Awesome project Abby!!

The Dorwin's said...

Abby - you are soooooo creative! I love your project. Mrs. Dorwin would give it an A+!!