Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sixteen Years--Where Did the Time Go?

Today, our family celebrates the day we became a family of three. Sixteen years ago, on March 14, 1993, we welcomed little Austin Craig into the world, bald head and all! It was such an exciting day for us as we became new parents to this new little baby. It was also very overwhelming to realize that this tiny little 7 lb 6 oz baby was depending on us to meet all of his needs from now on. What were we doing?


Well, I guess we managed to do something right, because our "experiment kid" grew and flourished and became this handsome guy...Here is our Austin, pondering the last sixteen years.


As Austin reaches this milestone in his life, he will no longer be driving cars like this one, which he received for his first birthday...~~~
Today, he received his "new" car, complete with Vikings-colored bows, a new air freshner, and a home-made birthday card under the windshield wiper, compliments of his little sister!
Tonight, Austin, Andrew, and I had Austin's birthday supper at Red Lobster in Eau Claire. Red Lobster is just across the street from Sacred Heart Hospital, where we were sixteen years ago tonight and I snapped this picture...
Isn't he cute!!! I tried to talk the boys into going over to the hospital for a "trip down memory lane tour" of the maternity department, but for some reason, they declined my offer...
Austin's first birthday
First day of preschool
Sixth Grade
Sixteen Years Old
Congratulations to Eddie on sixteen years! We are proud of you--proud of the athlete you are, the student you have become, the brother you are to Andrew and Abby, the son you are to us, and, most of all, the young man you are becoming!
Happy Sweet Sixteen, Austin!
We Love You!!!!


Pat said...


Congratulations on your 16th birthday from Grandpa & I. You are a special young man and we continue to look forward to seeing the person you develop into. We have and enjoyed seeing your name in the 'honors' area of the newspaper, watching you play the sports of each season, and hearing of your escapades!

We love you Austin.

Gram Pat

The Dorwin's said...

Happy Birthday Austin. I think my boys would prefer to have the very colorful car that you once received for your birthday. Your "new" car just isn't colorful enough....well, maybe with the purple bows on them. However, they would prefer green & yellow! :-)
What a lucky dog you are!! Happy 16th birthday!
We love you,
Chad, Auntie, Carter & Bradley


Happy 16th Birthday Austin...have fun with your "new" wheels!!

The Fyllings said...

Happy Birthday!! Hope you had a great day!

Sheila said...

Happy Birthday (a few days late).
I'm sure you got my text message on your special day.....we will see you soon, so your "gift" is waiting. :)